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Three Miles Can Change a Life

Jake is a 10-year-old boy who lives in the orphanage with his 11-year-old brother.  They have been in and out of foster care since they were taken from a drug-addicted and negligent single mother. Marie is a developmentally and mentally disabled 12-year-old girl, who has been with the orphanage for ...

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Teens: Set Eternity In Your Hearts

eternity in their hearts, a sense of eternity, teens and eternity

The BMW’s speedometer read 180 kilometers per hour as we raced along the Autobahn. Mentally I tried to configure this to miles, and knew we were going well over a hundred. My German boyfriend had a fondness for going to dealerships and doing “test drives” on sports cars. I’d watch ...

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The Madness of March

Official brackets are being updated as recent scores are recorded. Live streaming of not to be missed games are slowing down the Internet. Even a “Boss Button” has been made to conceal the action taking place. Adding all of the above components, one can only come to the same conclusion-it ...

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