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Challenges To Good Relationships

In my previous article, I touched on the subject of relationships—that we are made to have value in our relationships with each other. We have great value to God, and we can only fulfill our purpose on earth through rich communion with Him. He sent Jesus to make this possible, ...

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Child, I’ll Take Care of the Monster

Dear Jesus, There’s a monster in my room. But it’s not under my bed. It’s neither in my closet nor in my head. He’s very real and very ugly, too. The monster comes out at night, when everyone is asleep. When the house is quite and the lights are off, ...

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Is Anger Sinful

Violence, abuse, neglect … could the underlying cause be anger? And if it is, does that make anger sinful? Does anger always cause bad behavior? We’ve all felt it: your heart rate quickens, your blood starts boiling, your face flushes, your teeth bear down hard, and your eyes grow wide ...

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