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Telomeres and the Aging Process – Part I

Most of us have heard of DNA and chromosomes. But have you heard of telomeres? Here’s a quick biology review: (1) Each cell in our body contains a nucleus. Within that nucleus are chromosomes. (2) Chromosomes contain DNA. Telomeres are lengths of DNA on the ends of chromosomes. (3) The ...

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Our Hope: Jesus Loves The Little Children

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.”  Luke 18:16 (NKJV) Jesus loves the little children.  From the evidence of His ministry and life, there can be no doubt that little children hold great favor with Him.  Why ...

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Write Your Personal Faith Story

Has anyone ever asked you to give your testimony?  Do people often say, “You should write a book”?  Do you want to leave a record of your faith for your children and grandchildren? It does not matter why:  writing about your faith journey is a great endeavor. It helps you see and ...

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