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The Holy Spirit in Our Children

spiritual gifts in children, more of the Holy Spirit

Praying aloud about a situation, I automatically began speaking in tongues at the end. My five-year-old was coloring at the table and asked, “What did you just say there, Mommy?” “I’m not sure,” I admitted. “The Holy Spirit gave me that prayer, but we can ask Him to tell us what ...

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Twelve Building Blocks For Life

Some people have referred to the Bible as God’s love letter to humanity. This book expresses not only God’s love, but also gives principles for living a positive, productive, and purposeful life. Here are 12 building blocks for doing so. Building block number one is the cornerstone: Your beliefs must ...

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Divorce and the Misquoted Scripture

“God hates divorce.” Most of us have heard this quote from the Scriptures many times. But Malachi 2:16 has more to say than just those three words. “For I hate divorce!” says the Lord, the God of Israel. “To divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. ...

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