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Interview with Todd Burpo, Author of “Heaven is For Real”

I recently spoke with Todd Burpo, the author of the New-York Times bestselling book, Heaven is For Real. In 2014, the film based on the book was also released. Many people are familiar with his son, Colton, who experienced what it’s like to visit heaven and come back to tell others. ...

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Why We Need the Ministry of Deliverance

One of the things that Jesus consistently did in His earthly ministry was set people free from evil spirits. This ministry—often referred to as deliverance—was as common for Jesus as preaching: “And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons” (Mark 1:39). Though deliverance was ...

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Christ Holds the Keys of Hell and Death

In John 19:30, when Jesus said, “It is finished,” just before he died on the cross, it meant that the Old Covenant was at an end and the New Covenant just beginning. The prophecies of Christ, as “The Son of Man” were now fulfilled and Christ’s days on the earth ...

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