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How To Build A Strong Christian Family

How does a parent build a strong Christian family? The church should instruct families how to begin and grow a Godly heritage in each family, but we cannot expect our church to build it for us. It must be done at home. We cannot expect our schools or a sports ...

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Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

To say one is “good” is a very subjective statement. Good by whose standards? Good compared to whom? We judge goodness by a standard of living. Those who live right and try to serve God, we consider to be “good people.” Unfortunately, that is not an appropriate standard by which ...

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Have You Considered Getting a Tattoo? Here are 4 Reasons Not To

Rappers, athletes, actors/actresses, models, and even teens have tattoos. It must be addictive, since tattoo carriers rarely have just one. Some seem to have an overdose, as these permanent marks cover almost every part of their body with skin. Why? Popular views are that it looks hip, hot, intense, and ...

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