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Women in Church Leadership: Part 2

This article is the follow to my previous article: What Role Should Women Play in Church Leadership? It further examines the convoluted and controversial role of women in pastoral leadership within church. Previously we discussed Rev. Libby Lane, the first woman Anglican bishop within the Church of England. The 20th (and 21st) ...

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The Need For Circumcision

circumcision, circumcision of the heart,

When God entered into covenant with His people Israel, circumcision, the removal of the male foreskin, represented what was fleshly being cut away. The Hebrew word for covenant, in fact, means “to cut.” The physical act of circumcision was to be symbolic of a greater reality for God’s people–that which was ungodly and ...

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5 Worst Things We Can Do To Our Minds

They say “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”* It’s true. There’s so much the mind halan accomplish, since that’s where all great ideas are formed. But our actions can cause our minds to waste away over time. Here are 5 of the worst things you can do with ...

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