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To Sue or Not to Sue?

Earlier this week, news broke of a lawsuit between two Christian parties. A few more headlines come to mind, each involving devout Christians and lawsuits. All were—are—valid cases. Each deserves justice. Each voice needs to be heard. But is a lawsuit the answer? 1 Corinthians 6:1-6 says, “If any of ...

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Married to a Stranger

It’s the coined “date night”. A sitter has been hired, and you’ve been looking forward to getting out of the house for some adult conversation. Across the table sits your spouse conversing with one-syllable responses and limited eye contact.  You fight back the urge to pick up your cell phone. Glancing ...

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Teen: You Are Meant For Relationships

From the beginning, God knew man should not be alone. After breathing life into Adam, God put him to sleep and took out one of his ribs. (Maybe this qualifies as the first surgery ever done.) From this rib, God created a special companion for the man and called her ...

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