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How Safe is Your Cookware?

The safety of cookware has been a hot topic in recent years. After searching for the freshest, least-toxic foods for our families, we don’t want to undermine our efforts with toxic cookware. Studies conducted on various materials comprising the surface of cookware can be confusing and even contradictory at times. ...

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Right Kind of Expectations

You know how it is–The Big Day Blues.  Special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays (or how about the big one, Christmas?) … when big days roll around, there is a high level of energy that goes with it.  We have expectations.  We have ideas on how it’s “supposed” to go and although it’s not a ...

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Our Hope: His Will

“Your kingdom come.. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  Matthew 6:10 (NKJV) “YOUR will be done … “.  The text does not state my will.  It does not read our will.  Jesus said it, and He said it quite clearly.  He was speaking of the Father, and ...

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