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Faith to Move Mountains

The Pacific Northwest has the most breathtaking mountain range I’ve ever seen, the Cascades. This range of mountains extends from British Columbia through Washington and Oregon to Northern California. Mt. Rainier is the range’s highest mountain, peaking at an elevation of just over 14,000 feet.   From my balcony in Seattle, ...

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The Seven Spiritual Armors

Friends, today I would like to do a brief analysis of each of the Spiritual Armors. To get this going I would like to introduce them with two very important scriptures: 2 Cor 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling ...

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Part 2: A Purposeful Blessing

In my last post, I stressed the importance of speaking a blessing, on purpose, into the lives, or over the lives of your loved ones.  God is quite specific about the importance of blessing others.  Everyone, deep down, loves to hear–out loud–good things about themselves or positive things we believe ...

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