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Living Examples for Teens

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” ~ 2 Timothy 3:16 While serving as youth leaders over the last few years, we have seen so many hurts. This old world has broken every child, even the ...

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The Four Blood Moons, Israel, and Current Events

We are in the time of the Four Blood Moons. The first two happened last year. The next two will occur on April 4 and September 28, 2015. Some Christian Bible scholars and pastors have said that something significant will happen in relation to Israel. The skeptics have mocked the ...

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Is it Time for Spiritual “Housecleaning”?

cleaning house, spiritual tent, spiritual temple, temple of the Holy Spirit, consecrated, pure and holy

Spring is when many people give their homes a deep clean: corners are dusted, surfaces are scrubbed, and windows are opened to allow fresh breezes to air out rooms. Have you ever given your home a spiritual “housecleaning,” though? One morning when I was unable to go to church with ...

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