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Principles For Properly Interpreting The Bible

The Bible may not always say what people think it means. While it is true that some sections are difficult to understand, and probably no one gets it all right all of the time,  there are guidelines that should be used in interpreting it properly. When it is not understood ...

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Exploring the Boundaries of Freedom

The Creator designed us for abundant, joyous life.  Confusion over freedom often obscures that design.  In the name of freedom, we wander onto paths that rob our joy and destroy lives. We cannot have harmony in our spirit, soul and body in the midst of chaos. Christ set us free ...

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Oh, the Joys of Trials and Temptations!

Imagine there was a line you could get in to receive something you really wanted–a line that offered all the money you would ever need, or that trip to a faraway place you’ve dreamed of, or even the perfect spouse you’ve longed for! Who wouldn’t run to that line? Most ...

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