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Talk About Fifty Shades of Grey!

Did you know you cannot always trust your senses, especially your eyes? Yes, the eyes are a miraculous part of the body in that they process information and send that information to the brain. Unfortunately, the eyes are easily fooled and can unwittingly send false information to our thought center. ...

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Wonder Working Power

Christianity is not a way of life. It is not a philosophy. It is not a way to have a good life, achieve success, or be free of earthly circumstances. Christianity is the wonder working power of God given to have a new life in Christ. It is the power to ...

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What Are The Latest Trends In Beauty?

Keeping up with the latest trends in fashion this year may prove to be more painful than wearing your first pair of Stiletto’s. Straight off the Paris runway this past week included Riccardo Tisci’s visionary into the “Givenchy fashion house. His Paris Fashion Week show featured models with bejeweled faces”( Adorned with jewels placed ...

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