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Purify Yourselves … God Will Do Wonders

Jordan River, devote yourself to the Lord, Promised Land

A man known internationally for his ministry of healing and evangelism shared how, as a teen, he made a commitment to set aside ten years of his life to the Lord. “I decided not to pursue relationships or anything other than the work of the Kingdom of Heaven during that ...

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What Word Offends People The Most?

What happens when you hear the word “submit”? Do you cringe and cover your ears? How about the hairs on the back of your neck, do they stand up? Or, do you become riled up and jump into defense mode. Whatever your reaction may be, is it in line with ...

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Learn to Love the Skin You’re In

We can’t change our skin like snakes do; so, learning to be comfortable in our own skin is vital. We have to love ourselves, or else others will find it hard to do it for us. The message about “loving our bodies” is worn out. Yet, people aren’t convinced. Maybe ...

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