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Teen: You Are a Miracle to be Discovered

Last weekend, my mom mentioned a Bible verse that intrigued me. She said it is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to discover a matter. (Proverbs 25:2) This made me recognize and appreciate all of the latent miracles that have been discovered and that will ...

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Sorrow and Grief–How They Affect Our Health

No one is exempt from the sorrows of this life. Whether sadness from the loss of a loved one, disappointment in ourselves, or guilt from sins committed, we are all subject to sorrow and grief. What toll does that take on our bodies and minds? Weight loss or gain may ...

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DO YOU BELIEVE? Opens March 20

DO YOU BELIEVE?, the much-anticipated sequel to last year’s faith film, God’s Not Dead, opens in theaters on March 20. God’s Not Dead, surprised filmmakers and movie goers alike last year when it debuted in fifth place on opening weekend. Although up against big-budget movies like Divergent, the film still ...

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