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Christianity: Is it Religion or a Relationship?

We’ve all heard the quote about Christianity, “It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship.” While it would be ideal if we could say in a simple sentence that Christianity is black and white, it is actually a bit more. Unfortunately, over time people have viewed Christianity through a lens of legalism. ...

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I Need A Rooster In My Life

Recently, a member of my church gave a mini-message on Peter’s denial of Christ, where Jesus said, “before the cock crows you will deny me three times,” in Matthew 26:34. This conversation was also recorded in Mark and Luke, so it is an important story in scripture. The point the ...

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Longing to Know God, or Legalism?

The longing to know God more sometimes causes us to scrutinize His Word in a way that blocks us from His presence.  That which we intend for good becomes a wall keeping us from the Father.  It is easy to see it in the nation of Israel; they added hundreds ...

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