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7 Things Every Daughter Needs From Their Father

Father and son relationships are important, but there is a connection between how daughters view their fathers and God. Dads, pay close attention to what your daughter needs from you in this article. If you are not doing these things, start TODAY, with making things right with your daughter. It ...

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Best Tips for Interacting with the Bereaved (Part II)

Interacting with the grieving may seem like a simple task, but often it’s like walking on thin ice. In Sunday’s article, Best Tips for Interacting with the Bereaved (Part I), we looked at several “Don’ts” to avoid when dealing with the bereaved. The aim wasn’t to scare you into being ...

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90’s R&B Singer, Bobby Brown Calls on God to Save His Daughter

Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of the late, great legend, Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, the former singer for New Edition has been lying in a medically induced coma since January 31. No one knows exactly what caused her to be found face down in her bathtub unresponsive, however some have speculated ...

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