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The Dress that Broke the Internet: A Christian Response

Woman Looking at Cell Phone. Credit: DeathtoStock_Creative Community5

Time called it “the dress that broke the Internet.”[1] Last week, the buzz on social media wasn’t about political concerns, the unrest in the Middle East, or the ongoing threat of ISIS, but rather. Instead, news feeds were flooded with heated opinions about this dress: In case you somehow avoided ...

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Tween’s Selfless Choice Ultimately Saves Two Lives

One day, near her home, 12-year-old Lianna Rebolledo was savagely raped by two men.  As one might expect, depression and guilt filled her thoughts for days and weeks.  This situation only compounded the abandonment issues and loneliness of her  young life.  Folding under the weight of that horrid experience, she ...

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How Demons Influence Self-Destructive Behavior

I was recently speaking with a friend who returned from a ministry trip in Canada. On his trip he taught on getting set free from evil spirits, and saw several people get delivered. The town he ministered in has a very high suicide rate, and the Lord showed him that ...

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