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Why Does My Wife Think I Don’t Love Her?

Eyes Narrow in on the target. His keen sense of smell picks up hints of her flirtatious perfume. Slowing his stride, he begins his pursuit-eyes meeting hers. Intimate conversations commence. Time passes. An anxious groom awaits. Wedding bells chime. His lifetime prize has been won. The passing of the first ...

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Best Tips for Interacting with the Bereaved (Part l)

Losing a loved one is probably listed amongst the top three most painful events in a person’s life. The bereaved are usually in a sad and dark place, where it seems the light of “the-right-words” cannot enter. Interacting with friends, coworkers, or even family members after they’ve lost someone close, ...

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The Trial of Submission

For order, there must be authority. For authority, there must be a hierarchy. For a hierarchy, there must be people at the top, people at the bottom, and people in between. Only God can rule over people with the perfect response of mercy and justice. This day will come, when ...

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