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Being Tenderly Truthful

It is so easy to crush a spirit, even if we have the best of intentions, sometimes things just come out wrong.  Have you ever said something you didn’t mean to?  Or have you ever said something you did mean but in a tone that broke a heart with a sting that could possibly last forever?  I am guilty ...

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3-Step Formula to “Bounce Back” after Rejection

Studying Ishmael’s life and specifically his rejection reminds us that life is not always fair. Sometimes the people who should take care of us and protect us from the cruelties of the world fail to do. Other times, the people we love most are the very ones who inflict pain ...

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Serving in God’s Fields

Not sure why I was heading to the farm, I found myself there anyway.  The long barn stood strong and beautiful above the two plowed and planted fields.  At the far end of the fields, the farmer stood observing his work.  I turned the old Pontiac into the center of ...

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