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Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Dream

Recently, I engaged in a conversation with a young adult about his life plans. He was going to college and working, unsure of what he wanted to do, as is the case with many his age. When I asked him what he really enjoyed his response was, writing and speaking. ...

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2 Ways to Bring Families Together

There was a time when men and women had distinct jobs around the house. Men did the mowing and the snow shoveling; women did the gardening and house cleaning. Men did repairs around the house, and women did most of the household chores. It was a coordinated effort to keep ...

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Don’t Swallow Any Camels: Those Pharisees (Part II)

Those Pharisees! Their lives have been described as resembling a gravestone, clean and polished on the outside, while inside they contain ruin and destruction. The Pharisees had more than one problem. Not only did they demand of others what they were unwilling to do themselves, but they went further by ...

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