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Do You Believe Jesus Loves You?

“Jesus loves me this I know … ”.  For many, the song is ingrained in their soul; we’ve sang it since childhood.  We say we believe it.  Living faith is a different story. Sometimes our hearts cry, “THIS is what love feels like?”  The bank sends a foreclosure notice. The ...

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Those Pharisees: “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Most parents soon learn that their children imitate what they do more often than they listen to what they say. Who hasn’t had an embarrassing moment with their child when an inappropriate word or behavior was mimicked? Though we’d like to believe our children listen to what we say in ...

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Parents are People Too

I sometimes wonder if people, when they grow up, forget how it was to be a kid.  It is true that from the adult perspective, children’s problems can seem very small comparatively, but that is looking at the problem from the wrong angle.  When your world is small, the problems ...

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