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To Everything There Is A Season

Spring in the Midwest is creeping ever near even as temperatures are struggling to reach above the freezing point and small houses continue to take up residency on the frozen lake front. Snippets of the transition are revealing themselves each day giving hope to the artic chill that has sunk ...

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G-Rated Movies: The Truth Behind the Rating

This is a continuation of “The Truth Behind the Rating” series. For more information on PG or PG-13 movies, please see previous posts.   Have you seen any G-rated movies in theaters this year? Probably not. Why? Well, so far this year, of the 79 movies to hit the big ...

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The Lost Art Of A Hand-Penned Note

It has probably been way too long, if I have observed society accurately, since you’ve written a letter with pen and ink.  I used to wonder about the best technique.  Then one day, very long ago, I received a letter from a friend’s mother in response to my simple thank ...

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