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Is God Ever Late?

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Life’s most critical moments—the ones that have you on your hands and knees, desperately calling on the Father—can lead you to believe that God is indifferent. Calloused. Tragically late. You prayed for healing. But it hasn’t come. You prayed for a mended marriage. But it hasn’t happened. You prayed for ...

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Parenting On The Battlefield

The Battle At Hand: There is a war taking place inside the four walls of our comfy homes. Regardless of whether the children are living in a well-rounded Christian home or not, they are relentless in their excuses and are finding ways to either avoid or not follow through at all ...

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Rightful Authority and Restoration

From the beginning of creation, the Lord was intent on passing on his kingship to the man and woman He would form. After making the earth, bodies of water, day and night, and all kinds of plant and animal life, God made Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were not ...

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