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How To Personally Apply the Truth

At  a recent Christ-centered ladies’ event, one of the ladies seated at my table stated her disdain for a family member who always made sure his conversation with her centered around the Gospel.  She viewed this focus on the wisdom of scripture to be judgmental.  She explained her wild teenage ...

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God’s Desire for Government

good government; God's will for government

There is a paralyzing confusion plaguing many Christians about God’s desire for government. Many believers expect political leadership to worsen and think nothing can be done about it except to hold on to what we have until Christ returns. Some Christians consider corrupt government a latent blessing because it often ...

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Ten Life Principles For Success

I recently had a conversation with a young man who said, in reference to getting started in life, “No one is showing us how.” That is true to some degree. When people leave high school and home, many do not have a clearly defined objective. That is not a bad ...

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