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How Close Are We To The Tribulation And Rapture?

“I believe you are the generation that will not experience physical death.” Those were the words spoken by Hal Lindsey, author of the Late Great Planet Earth, in 1967, at a Campus Crusade for Christ conference at Arrowhead Springs, California. He was referring to the rapture of the Church. That was ...

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An Inside Look at the War on Christians

Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, originally from Egypt but now residing in Italy and the United States, knows a bit about the crisis in the Middle East and its “war” on Christians in the region.  Ramelah is the director of Voice of The Copts (, an organization that has been spreading the ...

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Exchange Winter Weariness for Crystal Treasures

Winter is wearying.  The struggles it brings weigh down our days.  The bleak landscape and destructive power of winter can overwhelm even hardy souls.  The secular world names winter discouragement, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). With the light of faith, though, winter produces treasures.  The crystals of ice and snow proclaim ...

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