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Toothbrushes Are Bringing People to Christ

In Zambia, toothbrushes are bringing people to Christ. Many, in Zambia, have never used a toothbrush and do not know how to use one. Pastor Isaac Daka and his staff at Ark of Grace Orphanage and Feeding Foundation, offered free toothbrushes and instructions on how to use them, to encourage ...

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Trusting Him In the Midst of Life

What was the purpose of Jesus coming into the world? Was it to bring peace to all the nations? No, he actually said the exact opposite: “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come ...

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What is True Repentance?

Repenting of sins when someone first receives salvation is what many Christians think of when they reflect on repentance. Repenting of sins is one of the key steps in obtaining eternal life with Christ, but this is something that we should to do as often as needed. There are many ...

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