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Selfless Fun Activities for Freezing Weather

It’s two degrees outside, and sub-zero conditions are becoming the norm. With seven or eight inches of snow piling high, the sun has surrendered in defeat. Vehicles are hidden by white fluffy flakes and the icicles hanging off houses looks like the teeth of angry monsters. It’s no joke; outside ...

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PG Movies: The Truth Behind the Rating

Concession Stand

After digging for the truth behind Hollywood’s PG-13 rating (and being a bit horrified at what I found), I thought it worthwhile to give G-, PG-, and R-rated movies a bit of the limelight, too. Let’s start with PG-rated movies. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) defines PG movies ...

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Don’t Give Place to the Devil

Paul gave these instructions to the church at Ephesus: “‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:26-27). The first statement—“Be angry, and do not sin”—comes from Psalm 4:4 and indicates that it is possible ...

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