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Opportunities Come In Small Packages

They say opportunity will come knocking at the door, however, I believe opportunity doesn’t just stop at the door, but instead shows up all around us everyday. Little finely tuned thoughts, words, or even actions that are given to brighten a day or continue a lingering hope. A smile for ...

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Heart and Initiative Powerfully Displayed By 9-Year Old Selah

Selah seems to have a heart much like what I imagine Jesus’ to be…giving, selfless, loving, exuberant, and full of faith.  I came upon this lovely story while perusing Selah began her ministry of giving at a young six years old.  With no outside prompting, she informed her mommy ...

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Helping Meet Your Spouse Spiritually, Even Before You Meet

Sometimes people are in a hurry to meet that special someone, but they don’t think that their future significant other may be in the battle of their life. Not just their physical life, but their spiritual life as well. They could be dealing with sin issues, or even trying to ...

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