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The Underlying Message in “Fifty Shades of Grey”

Fifty Shades of Grey has been making a lot of noise. I think it’s speedily taking the spotlight away from the popular Disney movie, Frozen. The new book-gone-film is the number one talked about movie on the social networking website, Tumblr. Talk shows and magazines are interviewing members of the ...

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Antisemitism–On The Rise

It is disturbing to consider the present rise in antisemitism around the world.  It has not been all that long since the Holocaust. That very thought plays with our minds, causing us to imagine that it could actually happen all over again.  To imagine may be too light a phrase ...

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Teens: That it may go well with you

honor thy father and mother; fifth commandment

The comments were withering. A teenager on social media wrote how much he appreciated his mother and how she’d cared for him and his sister through the tough times of single parenthood. He voiced his surprise that so many other teens were negative about their parents. This incited a firestorm ...

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