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Weaving a Web of Destruction

The dainty and delicate beauty withheld in a spider’s web is one of awe and amazement especially if you have the privilege to watch the weaver spin his web. Each strand protrudes out in purpose, playing to its own perfected rhythm. Over and under the spindle moves creating an intricate ...

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How Do You Get Your Spiritual Food?

Just as how hats protect our heads, spiritual food protects our souls. But just as how you have to put the hat on your head, you have to put the spiritual food in your mouth. Family, friends and pastors can freely provide the spiritual food we need, but if we ...

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What is a Generational Curse?

The reality of blessings and curses is a theme that runs throughout the Bible. These concepts are not mere superstitious beliefs, but truths that impact our lives. A curse is a supernatural force that works to bring harm and destruction to us, and/or hinder us from receiving the blessings of ...

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