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Living Life Sober-Causes and Symptoms of Dry Drunk Syndrome

“Dry drunk” has been described as, “A condition of returning to one’s old alcoholic thinking and behavior without actually taking a drink.” A dry drunk is one that may have embraced a recovery program to abstain from alcohol but has not worked on the other aspects such as unhealthy thinking ...

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Katy Perry Quotes Scripture Before the Half-Time Show

Christian Post reported last week that Katy Perry quoted Psalm 118:24 just hours before strutting on stage before 118.5 million fans for the Super Bowl Half-Time Show—the most-watched half-time show in history. “Today is the day that the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it,” the ...

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Whose Report Will YOU Believe, God or Man’s?

He was a highly esteemed Yoga instructor with 400 students when a Christian prayer group decided to pray and fast for his salvation.  As is often the case, God moved on behalf of those prayers and on Mike Shreve’s heart and another individual became a child of God.  Mike’s entrance ...

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