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Our Sacred Heritage

Imagine this for a moment: From God came all things. Everything that is, has been or ever shall be has its roots within Him (Romans 11:36). He created you and me. We have a sacred heritage. What a mind-blower. Humbling, isn’t it? The high and Holy One takes care of ...

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High Fiber, Low Fiber or No Fiber?

There is more to fiber than meets the gut. Given their impressing list of benefits, high fiber diets are often recommended by healthcare practitioners. However, it might be wise to look at other aspects of fiber before loading up on psyllium seed husks. There are two types of fiber: soluble ...

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How to Respond to Veterans Suffering from PTSD

Medivac Afghanistan

One in five veterans are diagnosed with it. That’s 300,000 to 340,000 people.[1],2 But those numbers are mere estimates because some  never come forward. I’m talking about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (aka PTSD), and the devastating effect it’s having on our troops and their families—many of whom suffer in silence. Earlier ...

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