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Attention Parents: Is Your Christian Teen A “Poser”?

A recent study stated that today’s teens struggle with spiritual commitment. Kendra Casey Dean is a minister in the United Methodist Church, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, and the author of, Almost Christian.  She proposes that teens are living out a “watered down” faith by serving a God whose ...

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Extra, Extra: Teen Dies Defending Bible

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” ~ Matthew 5:10 It was illegal to be a Christian. Illegal to serve God and worship Jesus. Illegal to own a Bible, let alone read it. Illegal to go to church. Illegal to meet ...

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Designer of Choice, Author of Love

It started in the Garden, with the first man and woman created by God from the dust of His earth. Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day in their garden home. Imagine what they talked about! God had given them authority over all that He ...

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