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Behind Closed Doors

I remember the popular tune from my childhood. I can still hum that melody in my mind that played on the radio so often, though I didn’t understand its meaning:“Oh, No One Knows What Goes On Behind Closed Doors…”. Charlie Rich sang this popular song, included on his 1973 album ...

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Managing Our Anger

Everyone struggles with getting hot under the collar.  Anger is part of being human.  We all have triggers that set us off and make us angry.  We don’t have to work on not getting angry, we have to work on managing our anger instead of it managing us.  What matters ...

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Our Hope: “Peace, Be Still!”

“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’  And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.”  (Mark 4:39, NKJV) We all have times when we crave only one thing…peace.  Yet it evades us with a passion we cannot imagine.  It seems like ...

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