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Bring On The Blessings!

Have you ever stopped to think about all of the blessings that you are missing out on? We grumble and complain and whine about this friend who is going on another trip to the Caribbean, Jim and Julie who just purchased a convertible, or how lucky Tim and Tina are ...

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God as Guide: the Perfect GPS

Our GPS is an excellent guide; she and I just don’t get along.  It’s not her fault.  We’re often out of sync with one another–or more accurately, I am out of sync with her.  She gives an order, and I obey—too soon and end up on a wrong road.  Or ...

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Friend of Sinners

On or about A.D. 33, in Palestine, a new rabbi arrived on the scene. Word on the street rapidly spread that He was a friend of sinners. The religious community expressed outrage over this, and accused Him of seeking companionship with lowlifes. In other words, they were ashamed of Jesus’ ...

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