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Abortion: It’s A Man’s Issue Too

Since 1973, through the decision handed down by the U.S. Supreme court, over 57 million tiny humans have been terminated before getting a chance at life. Whose decision is it to keep these fetuses alive? Abortions have always been widely viewed as a “woman’s issue.” Especially since women who are ...

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The Top Ten Time Stealers For Teens

What do you do with the time you have been given? Recent observations show that teenagers are spending larger quantities of their time engaged in multiple technologies rather than face-to-face contact or connecting and interacting with the world around them. In addition, the gifts and talents they have been given ...

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When our Words Become a Curse

The Bible speaks often about the power of words; both for good and for evil. God spoke creation into existence, and His words have ultimate power and authority. Since we are created in His image, it makes sense that our words also carry power. They are clearly not on the same ...

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