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Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties

abuse, soul tie, breaking free

It was a clear August morning, and I was driving to see my grandparents. Suddenly, a prayer came into my spirit for a teenager whom I knew to have an unhealthy codependent relationship with his mother. “Lord, cut the apron strings,” I prayed aloud. I hadn’t been thinking of the ...

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Secrets To Getting Dressed On Time!

Are you always the last one to get dressed? Have your tardiness ever had you running down a car with an impatient driver…such as your husband? Do your kids soil their outfits before you even finish putting on yours? Ladies, if you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, please ...

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Is The Push For Intolerance Eliminating Conversations?

Just recently I received a magazine in my school mailbox with the headline titled, “Teaching Tolerance in the Classroom.” Instantly the article’s words began to rub me the wrong way. We exist in a world that lives, eats, and breaths tolerance, but what does it really mean to be tolerant? ...

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