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What Are You Fighting For?

There’s a lot of fighting going on–fighting with each other, fighting against our circumstances, fighting for our independence, fighting for our way, fighting against God, fighting in video games, fighting in kid movies, fighting in adult movies–fight, fight, fight. The Lord says that there is nothing new under the sun ...

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Advice for Men–When She’s Crying

Girl Crying by

Women are emotional. I can say that because I am one. While I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen my dad cry, I’ve been known to cry over just about everything. From heart-felt commercials to heated disagreements, and from reality TV shows like Extreme Home ...

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Mote Pickers, aka Splinter Pickers, aka Blind Fools

Let’s talk about splinter pickers. We have all known them. Those people who just cannot seem to help themselves. They feel compelled to point out every flaw, every mistake, every sin that their fellow man, their Christian brother or sister, commits. We have all made the mistake of judging someone ...

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