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Eyes That See

Why are some things invisible to us?  I can drive the same route every day and never really look around, never really notice who my neighbors are.  I’ve lived in the same country side for the last 6 years and just last week I noticed a farm-house tucked back in the ...

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A Warrior-King, Not A Carpenter!

Crucify him! Crucify him! In A.D. 33, a crowd of Jews shouted fiercely for the death of a man named Jesus from Nazareth. Oppressed by the Romans, proud of their moral laws, awaiting a mighty savior – unbelieving Jews hated Jesus. Jesus was merely a carpenter. He healed a Roman’s ...

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Our Hope: The Heart of the Wise

‘The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, and adds learning to his lips.’  Proverbs 16:23 (NKJV) Have you ever said something without quite thinking about it, and then lived to regret it?  Have you been known to get yourself into hot water on a regular basis because you attempted ...

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