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Feeling “Less Than Enough”? Moses Did Too!

Exodus 3 and 4 relates the beginnings of Moses being used by God in very significant ways.  Moses’ first realization of a “God-move” in his life was at the burning bush.  After turning aside to investigate why the flaming bush didn’t disintegrate, he heard God speak to him.  Now remember, ...

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A Christian Warrior, an Open Battlefield

A Christian Warrior, an Open Battlefield “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends”, (John 15:13). Proudly, I have two sons that served in the military, one in the Air Force, the other the Marines. My youngest son, who served in the ...

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Power Grids and Spiritual Darkness

There have been four major assaults on power sources around the world in the last year and a half. On January 25, 2014, 140 million people in Pakistan were left in the dark because jihadists attacked a major power line. There have also been onslaughts against grids in Mexico and ...

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