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Get Off My Nerves!

No matter how much we love our family, they are naturally going to get on our nerves from time to time, especially the ones we live with.  That is just human nature.  It is probably a good idea for us to remember we are no picnic to live with either ...

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Fully Follow The Lord

In 1978, Michael Hart published a somewhat controversial book, ‘The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons.’ Unsurprisingly, Jesus Christ made his list, but ranked third behind Muhammad and Sir Isaac Newton. In Hart’s opinion, Jesus’ influence fell short, due to those who claim to follow, but don’t abide ...

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When Is the Best Time To Be Saved?

When is it the right time to get saved? Today? Tomorrow? Next week? How about after you’ve lived it up and had a taste of all that life has to offer? After all, there’s no time limit on salvation, or is there? I observed the following scene on a television ...

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