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Why Should I Even Pray? God Doesn’t Hear Me Anyways.

How many times have you heard yourself saying something like “God, if you are real then….” or, “God, if you are really out there then…”? Out of desperation you may have cried out His name hoping He would hear your voice, yet some if not all of the times, He ...

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Debunking The Satan Philosophy

Most of you are familiar with Old Scratch. He is more commonly known as “Satan” or “the devil.” Another name given to this monstrosity is “the father of lies (John 8:44).” No matter what you want to call this fiend, his philosophy is very deep and twisted. So deep and ...

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An Unlikely Guidance Counselor

The typical school guidance counselors work from an office or classroom. They are also expected to have some form of credential such as a bachelors or master’s degree, to support their title as a counselor. But Charles Clark is no typical school counselor. In fact, technically, he’s a Custodian by ...

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