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The Lure of Magic, Part II

In the first article about the lure of magic, I described how I wanted magic because of longings to change my circumstances and myself. I was unhappy as a child and wanted relief from missing my mom when I had to live with my dad and submit to the authority ...

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Is There Scientific Evidence that Prayer is Good for Our Health?

There is sufficient scientific evidence pointing to a positive link between prayer and our health. Does this apply to people praying for themselves? Does it apply to people praying for others? Yes and yes. Even experiments with nonhuman subjects showed incredible results. Studies have shown positive effects on wound healing, ...

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Are We Teaching Our Kids Impatience?

From spectating a sport to attending a performance, more and more parents are depending on technology to entertain their children instead of having them watch what is on the stage or on the court. Not only has the influence affected the sports and fine arts arenas, the digital tools have ...

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