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Soulmates Aren’t Found- They’re Made

Soulmates Aren’t Found- They’re Made Man was brought into the world in God’s image, created with dust and clay; a mixture of elements that brought life to his physical being, (Genesis 1:26-27). Deep inside is his spirit, trapped in a body of clay, being held in place until the end ...

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Power Over The Storm

Have you ever heard the following saying? “Stop telling God how big your storm is. Start telling the storm how big your God is.” Well I say “right on!” Sometimes we get so caught up in the storms of life that we forget how powerful our God really is. Not ...

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Wash Day: Cleansed From Sin

It usually fell on Mondays. It was perhaps the longest, most tiring day of the week–not for the lazy or faint-of-heart! It was wash day, and it had nothing to do with pouring liquid detergent into a Maytag and coming back thirty minutes later to a load of clean clothes… ...

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