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Pleasing others destroys us. Please God alone.

Kyrill Negoda

Do you have someone or something in your life that makes you wonder if anything will ever be enough?  Beware!  We give up when it feels like nothing is ever enough.  Feelings lie!  Truth is, some people are impossible to please.  Sometimes the greatest impossibility is to please ourselves.  Christians ...

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Why Do We Need So Many Rules?

Parent’s rules, school’s rules, God’s rules – Oh My! Do you feel the pressure of all these rules? The truth is we need them for our protection, especially when we start out in life. Really though, even as an adult there are rules. So it’s safe to say … we ...

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Our Hope: Sing to Your Lord!

‘Sing to God, sing praises to His name; extol Him who rides on the clouds, by His name Yah, and rejoice before Him.’ Psalm 68:4 (NKJV) ‘I can’t sing’, you say.  Nonsense!  If you can make a noise, you can sing. You can sing to your Lord! You see, God ...

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