I often use prayers like the one below when ministering deliverance to an individual or group. If you or someone you know is looking to break free from the grip of evil spirits, it is an effective tool that can help facilitate the process. Don’t view this prayer as a formula, but as a model to follow.
The purpose of the prayer is to close any doors that have given evil spirits access, and come into full agreement with God. Once this is done, demons can be cast out. (It might be helpful to read through this list of open doors before going through the prayer). The prayer should be read through slowly, deliberately, and out loud.
Once the prayer is finished, continue to welcome the Holy Spirit to minister and command evil spirits to leave in the name of Jesus until full freedom is found.
Prayer for Deliverance
1. Look to Jesus:
Lord Jesus Christ, I look to you as my only Savior and Deliverer. I believe that You are the Son of God and the only way to the Father. Thank You for coming in the flesh, dying on the cross for my sins, and rising again. I humble myself before you and recognize that it is your finished work that gives me access to salvation and deliverance.
2. Deal with sin:
Father God, I acknowledge that I have sinned against You and others. I come into the light, confessing my sins before You. I especially confess___________________… I repent of all my sins with a desire to live a life pleasing to you. Purify my heart by the power of the blood of Jesus.
3. Forgive others:
I choose to freely forgive anyone who has ever sinned against me or hurt me in any way. Specifically, I forgive _________________… I release them to You and let go of all bitterness, anger, hatred, and resentment.
4. Renounce the occult, false teaching, and false religion:
I completely sever myself from any contact that I have ever had with the occult, false religion, and false teaching. In particular, I totally renounce __________________…
5. Release from every curse:
Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross and becoming a curse, so that I could be redeemed from every curse and receive God’s blessing. I ask you to set me free from every curse that is over my life. I renounce the sins of previous generations and break away from any generational curse that is over my life. Specifically, _____________________.
6. Sever any soul ties:
I repent of any sexual sin that I have committed and sever any ungodly soul ties that have been created. I set myself free from any unhealthy relationship or ungodly bond to another person. In particular, I break the tie with _________________… I declare that the blood of Jesus separates me from him/her.
7. Stand with God and against the devil:
Father God, I align myself with You and want every area of my life to agree with Your Word. I submit myself to you God and take an active stand against Satan and his demons. By the authority of Jesus’ name I speak to every evil spirit that has any influence in my life and I command you to get out. Go, in the name of Jesus!
How have you seen God’s delivering power work in your life?
Great prayer that’s very inclusive! I believe this will help many people. When I was going through deliverance, I had to go through all those categories you mentioned. Actually my deliverance took awhile because I had a lot going on, even outside of me. The one thing I really took with me was the process of taking something and saying, “I nail it to the cross.” The guy that helped me actually had an inventory and we went through it point-by-point, and just nailed everything the Lord brought to mind to the cross. It was certainly a powerful experience. Thanks for posting this prayer. It is certainly a blessing. Something I would like to eventually do is get a a spiritual bondage inventory document up on the site that people can use to work through their bondage. I know that really helped me. Anyway, Thanks so much for sharing. God bless.
Thanks for the comment Joel, and for sharing your testimony of deliverance!
Please pray for me im dennis santos continue on battle for depreression
I confess all my sins and sins of my ancestors like spirit of fear witchcraft magic masterbation lust and many more its been a years i almost giveup i ask God for totally heald and delivered and breakthrough dor my situation please pray for me im dennis santos
Hello brother Jake..I thank you for posting this and more so I thank God for using you to assist others. I have been going through deliverance and came upon this site today. I said the prayer and believing God that it is finished in Jesus name.
Be encouraged to continue the good work.
I would love to chat with you concerning an experience of mine.blessings to you…Sabrina
Hello I’m Isaac Obrah
Thanks For sharing with us way to deliverence….,please pray for me against the spirit of musterbation,lust…help me pray against this in Jesus Name…Amen
help as i am going through heaviness and aloneness.