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Meet this Inspirational Tennis Ace

16-year-old Auburn Smith is a living inspiration for friends, family and her local community. Born with spina bifida; she has been able to learn how to walk with braces and maneuver her wheelchair on the tennis court like she has been doing it all her life. Currently, she is a ...

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Self-Evident Truth

Groups like the Freedom From Religion, atheists, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the ACLU claim that religious beliefs have no place in government. They believe our Fourth Amendment right to religious liberty supports their position that this means they should not be ‘subjected’ to religion. For ...

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Moved Beyond the Match

Moved Beyond the Match By Renee G. Malik Stewart, a high school wrestler from Blaine High School in North Dakota chose to humble himself after being defeated by his opponent, Mitchell McKee.  McKee received an unexpected gesture from his opponent when Stewart gave not only McKee a hug, but his ...

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