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Draw Near to Him

Jeremiah 31:3(NIV)—The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. There are not many people who keep coming back after they have been rejected over and over again. But His true, deep and everlasting love keeps ...

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Feeding the Spirit to Defeat the Flesh

Feeding the Spirit to Defeat the Flesh The battle began at exactly 5:30 am.  My body lay wrenched across my bed snuggled deep beneath my fluffy and ohhh soooo soft comforter.  I heard the dreaded sound clanging like a fresh piece of chalk pressed against the board too tight.  Quickly, ...

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The Spider in the Mailbox

The Spider in the Mailbox By Joel B. Prov 30:28 The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces. I hate spiders! I absolutely detest them! When I was a child, my older brother used to harass me with them, and to this day I do not ...

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