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From “Wild Card” to “Grace Card”

From “Wild Card” to “Grace Card” By Renee Have you ever tried playing a game with a child and somewhere in the midst of the game, the rules suddenly changed (usually to the child’s advantage), and you were unaware of the changes?  For example, you go to lay down your ...

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Health Care (And Just Care, In General) For All

By H.W. Bass Let’s take politics out of it for a minute and remember the old story of the guy who was stuck on his roof during a flood. He refused two boats and a helicopter saying God would save him. When he gets to the Pearly Gates, God tells ...

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Staying a Couple Once the Kids Come

By H.W. Bass Families expand everyday with the birth of children, but parents have a hard time staying a couple when they are running around trying to work and take care of their children on a daily basis. The best thing for parents to do when they are stressed and ...

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